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Thursday, January 04, 2007


This article made me write this. First it was the Gaziabad Ashram, then it was a small dalit girl paying her fingers as price for a bunch of spinach, then the Noida killings, and now this. What is wrong with man? This particular post, left me all queasy inside. How can people be so heartless? And to realize that all this is happening around me makes me feel totally depressed. With civilization supposedly at its peak, there is violence everywhere around us. Why? How can man commit such heinous crimes against his brethren? Everywhere around us, we see violence. Where are we going? WHY?


Anonymous said...

Love the new look.

Happy (belated) New Year.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, was confused with something else. I posted in the wrong blog window. x_x

But you're right...things are terrible. I'm never sure of civilization--we seem to be acting most uncivilized these days, no?

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comment on my blog. Why do people who were once close to us turn into strangers?

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Happiness is a state of mind. It's not dictated by outward circumstances -- really. Learning to see a situation as it is, not as you hoped or feared it would be, is one of the keys to being content. -- Unknown
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