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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Getting Disillusioned

Long time ago, I had spoken about how expectation leads to disappointments. But some how after understanding the way disappointment is directly related to expectation, what is it in me that makes me expect? I do make a conscious effort not to expect. But eventually, end up expecting more.
  1. I expect to be appreciated when I do something appreciable
  2. I expect to be recognized when I do something recognizable
  3. I expect a smile when I smile at someone
  4. I expect a thank you when I do something for someone
  5. I expect a please when someone wants me do something for them

What is it in me that makes me ask for these things? Am I expecting too much in life and in humans around me that I deserve the disappointments that I get when I do not receive them. Is it the ego in me wanting acceptance and appreciation at every walk of life?

But why is that some people just demand a lot from you, like it’s their birth right, but forget to even say a thanks in return, let alone returning the same demands that they have made? Beats me! I thought these were basic manners a person is supposed to have. Correct me if I am wrong. Being informal never meant, giving up being well mannered.

All this makes me realize one thing. Do not expect a human being to act like one, and if you act like a human being yourself, do not expect to be treated like one. Guess its one more lesson in my class of ‘Getting Disillusioned’. But am still not sure, if I have learnt it well this time :)


priti said...

Hey Vidya...good to c u back...typed a really long comment for this ...something wrong with the blogger and the comment got deleted....I have had same kinda thoughts before and did make a post on it a month back :)..The point where disappointment creeps in is when you expect people to act in a certain way and they act completely different which stuns most of us...Accept people as they are and expect them to change anytime..thats the only expectation that doesnt bring in disappointments..though it is easier said than done

Vidya said...

Thanks Priti! Very true, knowing so well that expectations lead to disappointments as I said, it beats me why I still expect.

But its really difficult to expect someone to change and just wait and do nothing about it :)

Anonymous said...

We can all be a little self-absorbed sometimes.

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Happiness is a state of mind. It's not dictated by outward circumstances -- really. Learning to see a situation as it is, not as you hoped or feared it would be, is one of the keys to being content. -- Unknown
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