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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mystic India—The Giant Movie—My 2 Cents

Was indeed a giant movie made of a small country. My country. Had read so many reviews and wanted to see what it was that this small boy did.

The blurbs that I read said, that it was a walk of 7 years of a 11 year old boy – a young yogi. I was expecting to see another westernized way of looking into India. But this was different. A typical Indian way of approaching the subject and the trail of this young yogi. Made me marvel at the faith and will this young boy had at that tender a age. When at this age, not that I am a granny.. but still question His existence at many a time.

The way Neelkant, that’s the boy’s name, walks all alone in the summits of Himalayas, all alone with nothing to accompany him except his faith makes you believe in god. The enormity of the mountains in sharp contrast to this small boy all by himself, with nothing with him, no food, no clothes to keep him warm except for this faith. He is going all around the country to understand the supreme better and in the process learns to become one with nature. The way the camera goes with the boy makes you feel that you have made your journey around India.

Leaves with a feeling you have gone to India for 45 mins. Right from the time, you are welcomed with an elephant to the time when Neelkant decides to stay in a place in Gujarat, the movie makes you leave with a feeling that you have been in India for a few days and have returned back to US when you get out to go to the parking lot.

Kudos to the crew and to everyone associated with the making. An excellent movie that brings out the unity of India in its diversity. One more reason to feel proud to be an Indian. I am so happy to be a drop in that vast ocean.

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Happiness is a state of mind. It's not dictated by outward circumstances -- really. Learning to see a situation as it is, not as you hoped or feared it would be, is one of the keys to being content. -- Unknown
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