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Friday, December 28, 2007

Another Year Gone!

  • Yet another year gone.
  • I grew old another year.
  • Lost my father-in-law in February.
  • Made some new friends this year.
  • Did not let my blog die.
  • Did spend some good time reading. Did not blog much about them.
  • Did not lose any weight as planned. But then, did not gain any pounds either, which by itself is an achievement :)
  • Watched some good movies; did not do justice to them in my blog.
  • Attended 2 concerts, my first being ARR's this year and then a Unni Krishnan's. Both were great. I had blogged on the former, but not the latter.
  • Spent some great quality time with my Dad after a long time. :D
  • Gave some tough times to R (life is no fun without that)
  • In all its been an okay year with both its pluses and minuses.
Though the year started with a shock, its ending pretty pleasantly. Happy New Year 2008 to everyone!


C.N.Raj said...

Hope mine is the first comment for this blog of yours...
I am new to blog area...
That was a nice summary of your year2007.
Immediately after reading,gave a feeling for me to write my summary 2007.
Give Jolly Time to your R, dont give tough times..as you have mentioned.

Compassion Unlimitted said...

nice wrap up up and update.
Belated Wishes for a Happy New year

Keshi said...

yep...and a new one begins :)


Dubukku said...

Ivalavu lateaanu Thittatha...Happy new year to you !

May this year bring much more happiness and prosperity

Eppidi irukka. Convey my wishes and regards to R.

Un numbera tholachiten (new year athunala athukkum thittama mail anuppen...call panren :) )

Preethi said...

First time here... from CU's... very nice update.. I esp like your note about yourself as a naive saggitarian.. :)

JugHead said...

congrats, you are more mature now :)

Dusty Fog said...

great year ahead...: )

Vidya said...

I know I am replying to all your comments way too late, but had been too busy both at work and at home. I know sounds like a lame excuse, but thats the truth. In all, 2008 indeed seems to be going good. Though I do not find much time for blogging, I am enjoying being busy :) At times its really good to be busy. Though it is maddeningly busy at work

@Raj -- Thanks for your visit and your wishes.

@CU -- Thanks for your visit, comment and wishes.

@Keshi -- and 2 months gone already. Havent visited you in a long long time. Hope all is well at your end.

@Dubukku -- Now I cannot scream at you. I am the one at fault, havent even mailed you my numbers yet. Seesh, I had indeed been busy. Thanks for your wishes da. All well at my end.

@Preethi -- Thanks for your visit and comment.

@tintin -- Now what makes you think I might be more mature. I still refuse to grow. Somehow, I dont like the idea of growing up. Too much responsibility attached to growing up.. eeks..

@Dusty Fog -- Thanks for visit and wishes DF :)

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Happiness is a state of mind. It's not dictated by outward circumstances -- really. Learning to see a situation as it is, not as you hoped or feared it would be, is one of the keys to being content. -- Unknown
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